Come see me in the D!
June 29, 2018
Writing Workshop For Young Adults & Adults.
Horror Writing Workshop with Amazon Best-Seller: Kenya Moss-Dyme
Friday, June 29, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Exploring, examining and spilling dreams onto the page can be a creative and empowering form of self-expression. But when those dreams become nightmares, ahhh, that's where the fun really begins. Join best-selling horror author Kenya Moss-Dyme for a workshop that's - quite literally - out of this world. She'll take us on a journey of dark fiction and discuss why OUR voices need to be LOUDER; then, she'll guide us through a workshop on finding our fear, embracing it and telling our own stories.
Young Adults & Adults
Stay for a while...or FOREVER!
January 07, 2017
So excited to announce that the first Colors in Darkness anthology is ready to pre-order! Release date is Friday the 13th (01/13/17). 13 tales straight to you from the Kretcher Motel, a sleepy little establishment that may look like a great place to pull over and rest - in peace! Okay, that was a little cheesy, but I'm going with it because it made me giggle.
Seriously, there's some great talent between these covers. Please support this collection of outstanding multicultural speculative fiction by diverse writers.
Listen my children and you shall hear...
October 01, 2016
...sounds of the 2nd Annual Colors in Darkness Halloween Party drawing near!
Yep, it's that time again - can you believe it's been a year already? Make sure you've joined the Colors in Darkness Facebook group so you can participate. The days leading up to my favorite holiday will also find a bundle of treats on my FB pages so stop by!
MECCA CON is coming!
August 22, 2016
The 3rd annual MIDWEST ETHNIC CONVENTION for COMICS and ARTS is coming to Detroit, September 17th! MECCA CON is the premier showcase for multicultural comic book artists, graphics and other creatives.
It's gonna be AMAZING. You have to be there. I will! Come visit my table and get a signed copy of one of my books - or just say, "hi!"!
Announcing the Colors in Darkness Antho!
Colors in Darkness is proud to announce a call for submissions to the Forever Vacancy anthology! Click the link to visit the site and learn how you can submit your diverse work of dark fiction - or just browse the site and become familiar with the faces and voices of multicultural spec fiction!

So...I have a new logo!
August 22, 2016
That ultra-hot chick you see in my header? Yeah, that's me, only cooler. Much cooler. She's like the me that I see in my fantasies - where I'm all kick-ass and cool and my fro is perfect and my waist is a size 10. Watch for her on t-shirts, mugs and probably highway billboards and shit because I think she is really cool. Done by the awesome Author Navi Robbins (navirobins@northshorepublish.net) - he's done some great illustrations for others as well so look him up if you need something.